Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter '11

We had a nice, pretty quiet Easter! It was super rainy which was a bummer, but mostly because we had to hide eggs inside the house and rain boots replaced cute dress shoes haha The Easter bunny didn't bring a ton of stuff this year which is fine because Easter isn't about candy and toys ;) I was a bit disappointed we did not make it to Mass as a family, we were all ready to go and about 20mins before we had to leave, Audrey and Charlotte started having a melt down that we could not comfort them out of so it was obvious they needed a nap. I figure Jesus understood ;) We also didn't get to go to our home parish which was disappointing because they have finished a big remodel and I wanted our extended family to see it but they wanted to go downtown to our Cathedral so we opted to go with our family over going to our parish by ourselves. We had a nice family dinner with all our extended family too! All in all a nice, quiet Easter was perfect!

Easter buckets so big they could sit in them!

Also good for being robots

My sweet twinesses :)

Best Friends

I absolutely adore this picture of them! Best part, they did it all on their own, this was not staged! :)

Like father, like son hahaha

Charlotte had to try too

As well as Audrey hahaha

Mommy and my snuggler

Audrey was all about having her picture taken!

My sister Paula, her husband Jason and my nephew Simon!

The kids table hehe

This was Simon's first Easter!