Ok can we all just admit up front I've done a TERRIBLE job keeping up with this blog thing? Hahaha Well I'm going to try to do better for my own forget-everything-mommy-brain self! Hhhmm, where to start.. well last school year went great, Kate and Naty had a fabulous year and learned so much! They seemed so much more mature to me at the end. Next month school starts up again! Kate will be in 1st grade, Naty will be in Kindergarten, and Audrey and Charlotte will be in PreK!! Hard to believe all four will be in school! Audrey and Charlotte will be the youngest starting PreK so far, as they will only turn 4 tomorrow, versus Kate who was almost 5 and Naty who was 4.5. 6 months can make a HUGE difference at this age. I think they are completely socially ready for school but academically they want nothing to do with any workbooks or even just learning play that I've tried to do. Hopefully the school environment will help spark that eagerness.
With all four about to be in school, I found myself wondering what I would do with all my free time I'd suddenly had. I had been making plans to train for a 10k, get more involved in the PTA at school, maybe even take some photography classes and brush up on my skills. God apparently had very different plans for me! The biggest thing that's about to change in our family is we're adding a new member! It came as quite the surprise!! Little Miss Alice will be joining our family in October! I'm going to be totally honest, I wasn't thrilled at first and stupid people comments only added to the anxiety I was having. It took me much longer then it has in the past to be excited about having another baby. There are still some days I'm not quite sure what the Big Guy was thinking either, but I do my best to let go and Trust those days. The idea that I'll be the mother of 5 children still freaks me out a bit too hahahaha The girls have been huge helps so far, they've been helping me more and more around the house as my belly gets bigger and chores are hard. They are all VERY excited about their new sister arriving and tell me daily about all the plans they have to help me take care of her :)
The summer has been flying by! We try to play with friends as often as we can, the girls go swimming almost daily and we've been having lots of tea parties and movie afternoons to beat the heat!
Think that's it for now, like I said Audrey and Charlotte's birthday is tomorrow! Can't believe they'll be 4 already!
Here's some recent pictures of everyone too! :)
Princess Twinks |
All my beautiful daughters |
Naty after going down a giant slip n slide |
Kate enjoying water fun |
Audrey, always the ham! |
Back at 25 weeks! |
Jason and all his princesses on Father's Day <3 |