Well my babies are 3 today! What an adventure they have taken us on! I had fun with Jason last night reminiscing about "This time three years ago, we were...." Hahaha I was asleep however when the actual time they were born (bright an early at 3:15am and 3:16am) rolled around! Unless God has other plans for us, we are done having children, so they really are my babies and it's truly bittersweet to have them turn 3. They are turning into such fun little girls and they are very much their own people and a tight unit at the same time.

Miss Audrey, she is turning out to be a live life to the fullest at full throttle person! I can see her soon relishing in that 1 minute older thing hahahaha She laughs louder, cries harder and dances longer then any of her sisters! Audrey has never met a stranger and is always going up to anyone who will listen and saying "Hi!" and telling them all about herself and her sisters. We have a running joke in the family that she is running for Congress hahaha She's a big Momma's Girl, the only time she's holding still is if she is snuggling with me or asleep. I love that she will still cuddle with me! She has such an imagination, which she loves to use to tell stories and play games. I'm excited to see what kind of person she continues to turn into, I have no doubt she will be a leader and always looking to include everyone in the fun!

Miss Charlotte, she is definitely much more reserved and shy then her twin. She is such a sweetheart, always has hugs and kisses for everyone and wants everyone to play together! Her verbal skills have finally started to blossom because up til now she has been very happy to let Audrey talk for both of them. I'm so happy to listen to what goes on in her head hahaha She has the most imagination out of all the girls I think, she is constantly lost in her own world. It can be frustrating at times, especially when trying to get her attention, but it's so to just stand and watch and listen as she plays with her dolls or cars! Lotty is a big people watcher and usually will sit back and watch before joining in anything. She is very much a girly girl! She loves dressing up, painting her nails and having her hair done! I think Lotty will continue to grow up to be a friend to everyone and one of those friends you can always talk to because she listens. :)
I can't help but think I'm a little sad because I have forgotten so much about the first couple of years with them! It was such a blur! I don't think either Jason or I ever expected we'd be the parents of twins and it has been a constant learning and growing experience! I always get the comment, "I don't know how you do it!" and I always answer "Neither do I!" and it's the truth! I don't know how I manage me life with these beautiful girls, but I can't imagine what my life would be like without them! Audrey and Charlotte have no problems playing with other children, but always check-in with each other off and on and I think that is a great relationship to have! They always call each other "My Audrey" or "My Charlotte" which just melts my heart every time I hear it!
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUDREY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE!! You make my life doubly as full and interesting every day!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU BOTH!! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last 3 years :)
The ultrasound that nearly made me pass out LOL |
Sweet girls, 3 days old |
My chunky monkeys, about 4 months old |
They always slept cuddled up at babies, still warm my heart! |
1st birthday! |
1st birthday picture, all dolled up hehe |
My mud princess Audrey |
2nd birthday! |
Lil bunnies! |